• November 7, 2014

Empower Self

Empower Self

920 460 Dr Sriya Chakravarti

“Within you lies indomitable power.” — Swami Vivekananda

As human beings we need to realize that we are a powerhouse of energy, and vibration. Undefeatable power lives within us waiting to be awakened. All we need to understand is how to harness it for our self and then teach the same to others.

You may ask: How do I harness my power?

The answer lies in positive thought, mindfulness, meditation, gratitude, exercise and yoga. Through this we can center ourselves. Once this is done, the mind becomes empty, our heart becomes joyful and it becomes easy to hear to our inner self.

So you may ask again: Why do I need to listen to the inner self?

…. Because it knows 

It knows you better than anybody else, even better than what you think you know about yourself and how you project yourself out to others. It is your soul, and it knows your purpose. Once you check in for a private consultation with the inner self, you will be synced in with the part you play in the universe, and everything will happen as per your choice, and of course in brilliant timing.

As this happens, you will look back and realize how grateful you are that you received as much as you could handle at any given point in time. As you start living your life fully in the present with much joy and appreciation for all that you have — the doors to infinite abundance in all earthly respects open up for you.

These blessings that are bestowed upon you may appall you. You may think it is Karma, or some previous life work that has come to fruition. Whatever the case may be, you start feeling ultra light. You laugh a lot more, have tremendous faith in cosmic timing and work extra hard to find one day that you achieved the impossible.

It all starts with finding your center. Listed below are few quick ways to get there:

Fix your vibration: Think happy, be happy. We are human, sometimes we feel glum. Some people may try to destroy our inner peace with their bad behavior. Ignore them. If you can’t, give yourself five seconds (five is my lucky number) to feel consumed by emotions, and after that cut it. Our life is like writing a dissertation with many stipulations on MS Word. We have to only put things that are factual, make our case more interesting and add to the vast body of knowledge.

Wear Colors: To lift your vibrations higher, incorporate colors. Red for drive and ambition, Blue for supreme communication, Purple for connecting with supreme consciousness, Yellow for joy and light heartedness and Green for prosperity.

Be Fit: Once you are fit emotionally, you may want to consider being physically active. Don’t ignore your healthy for anybody. Just like you go to work everyday, exercise everyday.

Fine tune your finances: Be financially sound. Just honor yourself first.Don’t try to please or impress others. You don’t have to go and buy the latest phone in the market or an expensive watch. Although, splurging once in while can give you major vibration highs.

Power up your passion: If you really believe in your ideas, and how they can change the world, go for it. Work extra hard. It may for years mean doing multiple jobs on the side to keep you going. Keep faith because one day a door will open only for you because sometimes the equipped may not be chosen but the chosen one always gets equipped.

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