• February 13, 2014

Loving Self and the Other

Loving Self and the Other

150 150 Dr Sriya Chakravarti

As we are nearing the most famous day of love, I feel a huge need to pen my thoughts, as I read all kinds of stuff flying through the internet. It seems to me that the pressure to love and be in love becomes exponential this month, especially among the youth.

I love the feeling of love. I think being in love can be the most beautiful thing in the world. It can really make you reflect on your capacity to give unconditionally and make you grow by leaps and bounds. However, the feeling of love cannot be contained in one day. It is an everyday affair. We need to train our brains for the same.

I fall in love with the blessings of everyday life. From the stunning sunrise, and the picturesque sky to the chaos of life, and the random order of events/things that happen to us.

Here are few tips on how to rejuvenate your love for self this month:

  • Find your purpose: I strongly believe that one has to be happy with self-first before anything else. Happiness and joy from within for “self” can create heaps of love for self and others. So how do you become happy? It’s simple: Answer your calling. We all have a purpose, and if we remember that we are all here to give and not take, we will become automatically happy.
  • Energize your heart chakra: Think of your heart as a fountain of love, and ensure that it never goes dry. Some light hearted humor, a smile, unexpected kindness towards others, and meditation are ways to keep this love energy flowing in you forever. Wearing the color green and eating green vegetables can also help in clearing any blockages in this area.
  • Be true to self: Know deep in your soul that you will always attract the right kind of people, if you are true to yourself, and your purpose. If you find yourself putting way more than you receive, stop and reevaluate yourself.
  • Manage your path: Remember, you are never on the wrong path. it’s just that you are currently not thinking clearly about what liberates you. Focus within, and you will get all the answers you seek.
  • Love makes you stronger: We have all heard that love makes you go weak in the knees but in reality love makes us stronger. The easiest way to identify love is through our ability to recognize a greater amount of strength and confidence. So a benchmark of a good relationship is the strength it gives you to fight a zillion battles.

Finally the mantra for a happy, love-filled life is: “Consider how much you loved in this lifetime, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things that aren’t meant for you.”

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